The Cardiff Cat Clinic
Bridge House,
Station Road,
CF14 5UW


Opening Hours

Monday - Friday
9.00am - 11.30am, and 4.00pm - 6.00pm

When the Clinic is closed, the telephone number of the emergency service is 029 20 001 454.

Emergencies are seen by a dedicated team or teams of vets and nurses who work through the night and communicate with the Cat Clinic via email. Patients too unwell to return home are transferred by ambulanceback to the Clinic as soon as we re-open.


The Clinic runs two consulting sessions daily on weekdays between 9.00am - 11.30am and 4.00pm - 6.00pm. Consultations are by appointment only.

We schedule appointments every 15 minutes to allow adequate time for an examination.

Surgical procedures, medical investigations and treatment of hospitalised patients are carried out from 9.00am, and throughout the day. Most patients will be ready for discharge and collection between 4.00pm - 6.00pm the same day. Patients requiring further monitoring or cage rest are accommodated in one of our wards.

Patients requiring constant monitoring during the night such as Oxygen therapy or intravenous infusions may be sent by a specially adapted ambulance to the out-of-hours emergency facility, V.E.T.S., which is available from 6.00pm - 8.30am the following morning.